R& D Tax Credits for the Food & Drinks Industry

We work with clients in food and drink industry, recovering substantial sums that can be used to fund future research and development projects.

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Funding and Innovation support for the Food & Drink industry

Many companies working to improve food and drink products, often to meet new government legislation, consumer trends or specialist dietary requirements, engage in R&D activities on a daily basis that could qualify for a significant tax credit through the government R&D tax relief programme.

That’s tax benefit, often delivered as a cash payment, you could re-inject into your business to fuel future innovation and business growth.


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  • ✓Attempting to increase product shelf life whilst reducing the use of preservatives, or changing the organoleptic profile of the food or drink in question.

    ✓ Product development for specialist dietary requirements (low salt, sugar etc

    ✓ Complying and adapting to new legislation (reformulation for sugar tax for example).



  • ✓ Undertaking in-depth research and experimentation in order to resolve problems with seasonal variation in quality

    ✓ Developing methodologies to retain the same look, taste and texture after changing ingredients or raw materials.

    ✓ Elimination of allergens and food additives

  • ✓ Making food & drink manufacturing processes faster, more efficient, or safer through improvements to the underlying technology or the integration of components, machinery and / or processes.

    ✓ Issues associated with scalability: e.g. increasing from ‘one-off’ prototype to large volume manufacture.

    ✓ Improving environmental impact: e.g. reducing material usage, waste, emissions, energy consumption, etc.

Our customers say…

We were delighted with the first report we got back; it was so accurate and I thought golly, Visiativ came in here and understood the technical aspects of our business so well! Of course we were thrilled with the amount we received in R&D tax credits and it’s all been very positive.

Simon Young, Managing Director, Ingram Brothers

Eligibility questionnaire

Take our short eligibility questionnaire to find out if your company is entitled to receive R&D Tax Relief!


How Visiativ can help you

The UK Food and Drink sector is vital to the economy, and small businesses need financial support. The Government’s R&D tax relief is a significant funding source, but it can be complex. At Visiativ, we are leading specialists, and we can help businesses navigate the process efficiently, ensuring they receive funding for research and development projects.


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